2-Stage Compressors

MT25-G 2-Stage Compressor

ROTORCOMP, provides with the two-stage screw compressor MT25-G and MT35-G a long term approved screw booster design for pressures up to 35 bar.

The two-stage compressor increases the pressure from ambient to up to 35 barg with a maximum delivery capacity of 42 m³/min.

Type Power range Weight Discharge pressure Capacity*
  kW hp kg lbs barg psig m3/min cfm
MT25-G 457 563 1,032 2,270 17 - 25 250 - 350 19 42 673 1,492
MT35-G 567 760 1,032 2,270 17 - 35 250 - 500 19 42 673 1,492



MK80 Booster Compact Unit

MK80 – Screw Booster

MK80 – Screw Booster compact unit with a pressure increase up to 40 bar has a world-wide singular screw booster design. The booster-module MK80 increases compressed air and gases from 6 -14 bar, up to a final pressure of  40 bar with maximum delivery capacity of 650 Nm3/h – 380 scfm.

Type Power range Inlet pressure Outlet pressure Capacity*
  kW HP barg psig barg psig m3/min scfm
MK80-10 48 64 9 11 130 160 40 580 8.3 10.4 293 367

* Capacity at 1,013 mbar, 0 °c and at inlet temperature 20 °c